Yeah, yeah, I know I can't stop making brief mentions of youngbloodfantasy91. I'm trying to stop so that way it doesn't look like I'm an obsessed freak that enjoys his videos like druggies snort crack.
Anyway, this is a picture I made myself on MS Paint (not too shabby, right?) showing my avatar and youngblood's avatar side-by-side, and there's a specific reason why.
It's just in case he ever decides to have any co-op commentaries or co-op rants with me at any time (Though that might not happen at the moment, since I don't have Skype. Maybe that's why he's been able to do so with MrSirRaven and all the others, not because he's UGH for not letting me join. :P)
Hobbes, if you're seeing this right now, save this picture for any co-op stuff we might do in the future. You have my full permission.
That's it for now. Take care. :)