Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Surprise! This video will finish off 2014.

You can ask me about anything. Really. Anything. I'll gather whatever questions I receive into a video, and its length depends on however many questions I get and how long it'll take for me to answer them.

1. No more than 3 will be allowed for each individual user.
2. Only 1 and 2 are the rules.

Be sure to post your questions by January 15, 2015, because this Q&A will be closed on that date.

"Q&A 2015 (Open Until 15 Jan 2015)"

This marks the end of my 2014 video production. 39 videos is quite a handful, ain't it? Anyway, that's all for this year. Take care, and I'll see y'all in 2015. :)

YEU #1: 2014 / OAU #2: Dec 2014

So, it's the last day of the year and of the month. This will serve two purposes: to compare it to November and to 2013, all in one swoop. Let's not waste any more time.

All statistics are as of December 31, 2014.
Total views: 303,303 (+3,655 from November) (+46,719 from 2013)
Subscribers: 260 (+2 from November) (+86 from 2013)
Videos: 196 (+4 from November) (+39 from 2013)

Thanks for another great year, and let's hope 2015 will be great as well. I love you guys. :)

Remember, OAUs (Official Analytics Updates) will occur at the end of every month, and YEUs (Year-End Updates) will occur at the end of every year.

Happy 2015, and take care. :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

There Will Be More to the Racism Rant

Before I get into the subject of this post, I'd like to say that I recently stumbled across two videos that I encourage all of my viewers to watch.

Johnathan Gentry decries Ferguson rioters
shakaama on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson being booed out of Ferguson

It's videos like these that restore my faith in humanity.

Now on to the subject of this post. I've decided to make a series of rants decrying different aspects of modern American society. I'll be talking about things like feminism, excessive materialism, anarchy, reverse discrimination, and other topics. Needless to say, some of the topics I'll discuss are very controversial. This series will test my knowledge of these topics as well as the maturity of my audience. All I ask is that you keep an open mind about my topics, because I know I'll end up saying things that will cause massive uproar on my channel.

As far as I know, this series will definitely start in 2015. The day they finish depends on how much I have to talk about, though I might end up finishing by the end of 2015 or the start of 2016.

Take care, and stay tuned.

Friday, December 26, 2014

LASFT Sneak Peek!

We just got this scene done today, and it only took us since November 16 to film it! I sense a long filming process ahead of us...

"A Sneak Peek at Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller"

Happy Boxing Day and Kwanzaa, and take care. :)

~ SpaceGuru5

Friday, December 19, 2014

Playing the AVGN Theme

I realize this is a week late.

Yes, I am a fan of the AVGN. I know the things I said in my Grouchland commentary might have given you the opposite idea, but I just thought I'd clarify it before I post about my week-old video.

Anyway, on December 12, 2014, I recorded a video of myself playing the AVGN theme on a piano at my school. The version I played took me 20 minutes to master, and I was going off of pure memory.

"The Coyote Plays the AVGN Theme"

As of 1:30 PM today, I am officially on Winter Break, though I'll be unavailable pretty much for all of next week. Tomorrow and the day after, I'll be part of the leadership in a retreat with my youth group, and I'll officially be available on the day after Christmas, i.e. December 26 (or Boxing Day for my Canadian/British/Australian audience).

That's about it. Have yourselves a merry little Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa (or Christmahanukkwanzaakah, to borrow from last year), and take care as the Holiday season reaches its climax. I love you guys. :)

~ SpaceGuru5

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Racism Rant is Here!

A rant that was 11 months in the making is finally here! I said I was starting work on it in January 24, 2014, when I posted DOTOF S1E2: Puyallup Fair Adventures. That should tell you how my schedule is.

Anyway, please enjoy the video and comment responsibly.

"The Coyote Rants: Racism in Modern Society"

That's it for today. Take care. :)

(UPDATE: 20 Dec 2014, 12:11 AM)
I was looking through some of my older posts on this blog and found more info on this rant's production. As it turns out, I didn't start making this rant in January 2014; I began making this rant all the way back on November 13, 2013, a whole 10 days before I posted the first part of the Barney review. This means that this video was nearly 1 year and 1 month in the making, so that should tell you how much time I needed to figure out the angle I wanted to tackle this topic with. As it turns out, I might end up doing a series where I talk about all the aspects of modern society that I have problems with. We'll see. I might end up completing the series before I return to my current city in 2017. At this point, I'm not sure.

Official Analytics Update #1: November 2014

I know I forgot to do this earlier, but at least I'm doing this before I have to do a December 2014 one.

All statistics are as of November 30, 2014.
Total views: 299,648 (+4,267 from October 31, 2014)
Subscribers: 258 (+13 from October 31, 2014)
Videos: 192 (+2 from October 31, 2014)

Stay tuned for the December 2014 OAU and the Year-End Update (YEU) on December 31, 2014.

The Racism Rant Is Almost Here

I finished editing the rant at 11:32 PM after doing so for about two hours. It was easy, and I'm happy with the result. Now I'm just waiting for the video to be published to my flash drive so I can upload it.

After I'm done with all this, I need to go to bed...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Racism Rant is In Progress

I'm aware I mentioned this at the end of 2013, but I wasn't sure how I could talk about racism's persistence in modern society. Racism is a very sensitive topic to cover, so I'm aware of the huge implications that racism connotates. I'm highly aware that there will be people who will vehemently disagree with what I have to say, and that's fine. It's totally expected. Still, I ask that you keep an open mind about what I will have to say about racism. If you proceed to act with ignorance in the comments section, you risk being blocked from commenting ever again. You have been warned.

This is going to take a while to make, so please stay tuned.

Thanks. :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Commentary!

Surprise! I just uploaded a commentary to my channel for the first time since April. I felt like doing a commentary after 7 months of inactivity, so I figured I could do one now. This time, it's a co-op commentary with DFGHulk as we take on a video claiming that Monster is the work of Satan. With a video this juicy, how could we not tackle it?

Anyway, production of the commentary took a long time. We started at about 6:30 PM on November 22, 2014, and I finished it at 6:40 AM this morning. That's a little over 12 hours of nothing but making and editing this commentary. Hopefully, it'll all be worthwhile for you guys. I'm also hoping this one isn't as bad as the Grouchland commentary.

"A Coyote Co-Op Commentary: Drink Monster, Satan Laughs (At Your Stupidity)"

Now then, I need to get some rest. Right now it's 7:13 AM, so I'll see you guys later. Take care. :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

LASFT Progress Report #1

Last Sunday, Daniel and I finished most of Foxy's entrance in LASFT. From this point on, I think the main actor to portray Foxy will be Daniel, unless we can find the real Foxy to do this with...

Anyway, the scene is mostly done. We just need to work in Daniel and Cooper as themselves in the scene in order to call it complete.

As for everything else in the movie, production is at a snail's pace. What did you expect with our schedules and lives? Ideally, we should be done in April 2015. I'll keep you guys updated throughout the entire production.

That's about it for today. Stay tuned for more updates, and take care. :)

P.S. I've gained the same amount of subscribers this year that I did last year, and this year isn't even over yet! I predict this year I'll gain around 95 to 105 subscribers. I don't mean to brag, but I'm happy that you guys like my stuff. Thanks for your perseverance! :D

Monday, November 10, 2014

250 Subscribers!

As of right now, I have 250 subscribers. If I gain another 50, you might see a 300-subscriber video posted here. This year and last year have been good years for my subscription count; I gained 4 more subscribers in 2013 than I gained from my first 4 years combined (2009-12). If I gain 251 this year, then this year will match those 4 years exactly.

Subscriber Gain (2009-12 combined): 77
Subscriber Gain (2013): 81
Subscriber Gain (2014 so far): 76

How do I know this? Well, I'll tell you how.

Since around late 2013, I've been keeping track of my views, videos, and subscriptions on a monthly basis. I decided to extend my data back to May 2009, the first month of my channel's life. For that set of data, I used YouTube Analytics. Then, using bar and line graphs on Word and Excel, I was able to see how my channel has developed into what it is today.

Whenever I plug in data before the month is done (which happens quite a bit), I call it an unofficial update. If I plug in data at the end of the month (which is absolutely imperative), it's an official update.

These are the statistics of  total views, subscribers, and videos as of today.

I'll post my official updates here at the end of every month.

That's about it for today. Take care. :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Production has been inching along. However, we do have the costume we plan to use for Foxy ready to go, as put together by Daniel.

Here he is. "Ahoy, matey!"

You can read more about Foxy here and here.

Last night, Daniel and I filmed a costume demo of Foxy. Of course, Daniel is the best at portraying Foxy (I can only do subtle creepiness), and so he was the pirate fox for the demo. The raw files we used to make the demo will likely be included in Series 4 of DOtOF. However, the edited version we put together has already been posted onto YouTube. It was posted last night.

"Foxy's Halloween Message (Foxy Costume Demo)"

That's about it for now. Ideas were racing in our heads yesterday, and so it was all haphazard. We'll try to get to filming the movie as much as we can. Take care. :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

UPDATE: The Second Movie

For those who aren't aware, Daniel and I began production on the second movie two Saturdays ago. No filming has been completed yet, but that's due to both scheduling issues and because of planning for the movie.

I will state what is for sure about the movie thus far:
  • The movie that will be reviewed in this movie is Last Action Hero (1993)
  • The movie will be called Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller
  • The movie is scheduled to be released on May 21, 2015
    • I will inform you of any changes we make to the release date
  • We should have better effects and editing this time around
    • Daniel and I have VideoPad on our laptops
    • We will likely use VideoPad to edit the movie
  • We have some costumes we intend to use for the movie
    • Plastic fake chest to be placed under a shirt
    • Green full-body suit and alien mask
    • Werewolf mask
  •  There will be a few "cameos"
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger/The Terminator
    • Tom Verlaine/Man-Bat
    • An alien
    • Foxy the Pirate Fox
    • Barney (it's not the end for him!)
As you might have guessed, the production of Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller is more strenuous and complicated this time around. It's kind of a pain, but it'll be worth it.

That's about it. Take care.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last of DOTOF S2

These are the last two episodes of Series 2 of Dusting Off the Old Files.

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E7: Daniel Flips Out! (Again)"

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E8: Gil Imitates LifeInATent"

Series 3 will be released in January 2015.

Take care. And don't worry, I'll return to making normal content soon. :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

More DOtOF S2!

Daniel and I worked nonstop yesterday afternoon on finishing up Series 2. It's all done now. Series 3 is well underway.

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E2: The Barney Rape Scene (18+)"
"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E3: Gil Drinks a Bottle of Toxen"
"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E4: Clips from the Transcenders"
"Dusting off the Old Files S2E5: Rant Against Modern Teens"
"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E6: Outtakes from Is Steve O'Ban (R)acist?"

That's about it. Take care, and I'm praying to God that Foxy doesn't kill me for using his image in the wrong way. :(

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Movie Update

Yes, Daniel and I are still working on the second movie.

Here are some movies that are in the "To Be Considered" list:
That's really it.

Oh, and college started up for me again last Monday. Surprisingly, it isn't that busy.

Monday, Wednesday
Attend CHS (7:25 - 8:30 AM) - I leave early to catch the city bus
Attend College (9:30 AM - 2:35 PM)
  • Health and Wellness (9:30 - 10:20 AM)
  • Intro to Political Science (12:30 - 1:20 PM)
  • Argument and Persuasion (1:30 - 2:35 PM)
Home (3:25 - 11:59 PM)

Tuesday, Thursday
Attend CHS (7:25 - 9:25 AM)
Home (10:20 AM - 12:44 PM)
Attend College (1:30 - 2:35 PM)
  • Argument and Persuasion (1:30 - 2:35 PM)
Home (3:25 - 11:59 PM)

Attend CHS (7:25 - 8:30 AM) - I leave early to catch the city bus
Attend College (9:30 AM - 1:20 PM)
  • Health and Wellness (9:30 - 10:20 AM)
  • Intro to Political Science (12:30 - 1:20 PM)
Home (2:25 - 11:59 PM)

Now it's really it. Take care. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

DOTOF S2 is finally here!

How fitting that this is the 69th post...

Anyway, after nearly a month of trying and failing to post the video clips, S2E1 has finally arrived! I broke it into three parts (1a, 1b, and 1c) in order to facilitate the upload process.

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E1a: (Almost) All Barney Clips (Part 1 of 3)"

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E1b: (Almost) All Barney Clips (Part 2 of 3)"

"Dusting Off the Old Files S2E1c: (Almost) All Barney Clips (Part 3 of 3)"

Combined, this video is 4 hours, 20 minutes, and 20 seconds long.

As for the clips, all of them put together give us 4 hours, 23 minutes, and 38 seconds of video. The reason why the final video is shorter is because I took out a clip showing the making of a non-sequitur cutaway gag where it shows my character being raped by Barney. I'm hoping from that description alone that you will understand why I removed it from the movie and DOTOF. I will release the scene and clip in a separate video if you guys really want to see it, and that will be determined by a poll that will run until this time in 2015. I just want to give you guys enough time to really make your decision. Just be happy that I'm being more democratic this time around.

Anyway, that's about it for today. Stay tuned, and take care. :)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Grouchland Commentary Is Now a Commentary Subject

I'm sure some of you are aware that some users have been making commentaries on my Grouchland commentary.

However, something you may realize is that I'm not mad at these commentators at all. I really think their commentaries have opened my eyes so I could improve. I'm not taking it personally, but rather as criticism. I can take criticism, as long as you're not being a pedantic asshole about it. Thankfully, these commentators aren't being assholes about it.

I've expressed gratitude toward these commentators and have favorited and liked their videos.

However, I must say that I don't want to see my video turned into a bandwagon. I know it's a bit hypocritical for me to say that, but those days are behind me now. While I appreciate the commentaries that I can actually take seriously, I'd appreciate it if I didn't get over 100,000,000 of them made on me. I've been very respectful about this whole situation. I'd like you to be respectful about it as well.

Anyway, that's about it. Thanks for watching and commentating, and take care. :)

Rion Mills' commentary
DarkAgumon's commentary
dirtbikeredden's commentary

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Alec's New Album

I've recently received the news that Alec has just released an album with his friends. Matt Green, Sam McClung, and Ben Bruggeman are featured on the album. The album is known as Behind the Times, and the band itself is known as the Lowlands.

You can listen to it here: The Lowlands - Behind the Times (2014)

Congrats to Alec and friends on the album! :D

And, as always, take care. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

WHERE IS DOTOF (because that's definitely what you guys worry about)

I'm aware that DOtOF S2E1 is still not on my channel yet. That's due to technical difficulties. I'm hoping I can get it posted soon. Please stay tuned and be patient.

I might end up posting it at Daniel's house either today or tomorrow, but we'll see about that. It's a very tentative call at this point.

Thanks for staying tuned. :)

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Updates Video

Filmed from 4:15 AM to 4:33 AM PDT on August 31, 2014. That's pretty much why we sound so quiet and tired in this one.

This video details things going on with me and Daniel both now and in the near future, as well as our plans for videos and movies for the next several months until I graduate. You can get most of this info on this blog, which is easily accessible from my channel page.

"Updates: The Now, the Then, and the When"
Thanks for your time and patience, and, as always, take care.

A New Creepypasta Video?

No, it's just a weird experiment Daniel and I did with VideoPad Video Editor.

It's late. We're bored. We're tired. Who cares? Not us, so enjoy.

"an experiment with videopad"

Stay tuned for the update and clips... >:D

Kicking Off DOtOF Series/Season 2

Yes, I'm going to have to restart the whole Dusting Off the Old Files series. It's the least I can do while I'm going through my senior year of high school. There's some new things about this season's intro that may or may not come as a surprise to most of you. Oh, well. Whatever.

The kickoff for series/season 2 will be a string of all but one of the raw video files we used to make Barney: The Aftermath. It'll be over 4 hours and 20 minutes, so hopefully you guys can sit through it! If not, just add it to Watch Later and pick up where you left off some other time when it comes out.

Daniel and I will record an update for you guys out there that can't/don't want to read, so stay tuned for that and more!

Take care. :)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

UPDATE: My Life to Come?

So, school starts for me next Wednesday. Truth be told, I'm actually kind of ecstatic about it. I'll be able to spend another school year with my friends that I've made at my high school.

There's something a bit different about this year, though, that dampens that ecstasy.

I'm a senior this year. This will be the very last year of my life that I attend any public school as a student. I've been a student since 2002. I moved to Germany on October 23, 2004, and finished my 2nd Grade term in Germany. I then moved to Western Washington (the rainy side) on August 1, 2007, and have attended schools in my current city since I was in my 5th Grade term.

I will officially graduate high school on June 4, 2015, and community college the day after. I'm hoping that I will graduate with my diploma and my AA.

Some time after I graduate, I will move back to my childhood home in Pasadena, Texas. By this time next year, I will be attending Rice University in Houston. After I finish up at Rice (either in 2017 or 2019) and earn my BA or MA, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I plan on getting degrees in mathematics and engineering, but I'm not sure what I'll do with those. I might become a teacher, but even that's uncertain.

Things that might happen after I graduate from Rice in 2017/2019:

1. I'll move back to my current city and live with DFGHulk and Cooper in one house.
2. I'll stay in Pasadena, Texas.

I've lived in my current city as long as I've lived in Pasadena, Texas. That's 7 years each. I feel like both cities are my home. It's really tough deciding which one I'll stay in after I finish up my education. I guess I'll make my decision soon.

I know I won't really have to worry about it for the next 3 to 5 years, but those years are coming here faster than a speeding bullet, and I know I won't be able to dodge it.

Until then, here's hoping everything will turn out just fine for me as I become an adult.

Take care, everybody. I love you.

Monday, August 18, 2014

UPDATE: Back from Texas

I returned from Texas on Friday night. The flight was alright. No one was contrite.

...Okay, enough rhyming (that last one was the only intentional rhyme). Yes, I did get back on Friday night. The next day, I spent the night at DFGHulk's house. Most of what we did involved Sunny D, Hawaiian Punch, and GTA V. We even mixed Hawaiian Punch and Sunny D together evenly to make "Hawaiian D Sunny Punch." When we tasted it, I swear our taste buds were having a huge orgasm. We also did some sort of ad lib role play where we pretended that we were interacting with the Guardians of the Galaxy (who says 17 year olds can't have an active imagination?). In one instance, we made up a TV ad that shows off Hawaiian D Sunny Punch as "Rocket's Favorite Drink." You can do a lot with imagination.

Anyway, so that's that. The hiatus is now pretty much over, and I say that only because I still have to make time to make videos. Please be patient as I try to start uploading videos for you guys.

Thanks for your patience, and take care. :)

P.S. I might end up making that fake TV ad mentioned above. We'll see XD

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

UPDATE: Hiatus #5,000,003

So I've been in Texas since the 3rd, and I'm blogging now, which means the Guardians of the Galaxy haven't taken me aboard the Nova ship yet.

I'm just letting you guys know that I'll be taking yet another hiatus for the next week or so; I can't make videos while I'm here right now.

I'll be returning before the end of August, though. Please sit tight until then.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

UPDATE: Some News Before I Go

No, I'm not closing my channel. Relax. I'll be heading on a plane to Texas early in the morning tomorrow, and I'll be gone for two weeks.

Before I leave, I'll give you some more updates about upcoming videos.
  • I replayed I See You by myself (Daniel was asleep), and STILL the video came out laggy save for the desktop footage. I'm still persevering, though. I'll try using Fraps next time.
  • I might be doing a reading on my creepypasta "X-AVR." This should be easy to make.
  • I saw Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. It kicked so much ass that I didn't even open my candy and drink my soda for the entire movie. Usually, I do otherwise, so that should tell you something!
That's about it. Take care, and stay classy. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

UPDATE: What is Soon to Come, and Where Am I?

I know I'm a jerk for not being all that active in terms of uploads. However, there's a good reason why this is; I accidentally broke my laptop screen on my 17th birthday (a rather stupid move), and so I'm waiting for it to be repaired. Please bear with me, people; I'm trying to get it sorted out as quickly as I can. My life is already very stressful as it is, anyway!

Video that explains this in 20 seconds:


On another note, I'm planning on traversing into the realm of video game playthroughs. I might even reignite my desire to do game reviews (not like any of you would remember The Guy in the Ushanka). With that in mind, my first Let's Play will be on the indie horror game I See You. I've already recorded footage of it at Daniel's house, but it came out really laggy. I'll get to making better footage soon.

That's about it for now. Take care, stay tuned, and stay classy. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

There Will Be Another Rant

I will be making another rant. The rant will concern racism and pornography in modern society. I know it sounds stupid, but I hope the rant will let you see where I'm coming from. My laptop screen is STILL broken, so I'll record audio with my iPod or Galaxy S4 or something and edit it later. For now, please be patient.

I know it's pointless, but I'll go ahead and share the movie here. Enjoy!

"Barney: The Aftermath"

Thanks, and take care. :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Barney: The Trailer

See the trailer that took an hour to make in the middle of the goddamn night!

"Barney: The Aftermath [TRAILER]"
Stay tuned for the movie on May 21, 2014, and, as always, take care! :D

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Movie Is DONE!!!

Yes, you read that right; the Barney movie has finally been finished! All the filming ended 2 hours ago, and all the editing finished only about 30 minutes ago. Expect the trailer really soon!

The movie will be released on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.

And, as always, take care. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Transcenders

This is my first attempt at a found footage-type creepypasta. My friends DFGHulk, Cooper, and I worked on this well into the night, but I am entirely responsible for the story.

If you want to read the story, you can read it on either one of these sites:
Creepypasta Wiki

Here's the video.

"The Transcenders"

Please let me know what you think, and take care. :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A History of SpaceGuru5

As of today, my YouTube channel has been here for 2,170 days. I'm currently 21 days away from celebrating my 5th anniversary on YouTube.

If you don't know about my earlier days on YouTube (which is probably the most likely situation, since most of my subscribers flocked to me in 2013), I'll give a brief synopsis of it all. However, rather than just tell you about it, I'll try to immerse you into the whole experience the best way I can.

May 21, 2009: The Beginning of SpaceGuru5
I had bn 12 years old 4 9 dayz, n mai sister wanted 2 create mai YT channel so I kudd hav a channel on YT. She did that, n I wuz nao on YT! Dis is pretty much hao I typed bak then, n, as u mite see, u probably cant tell wut I m trying 2 say hear.

(Okay, I'll stop typing like an idiot now; that's just way too hard for me to do now. I'll go ahead and translate this minced English into how I would describe it nowadays...)

I had been 12 years old for 9 days, and my sister felt like helping me create my YouTube channel so that I could have an account on YouTube. She set my age as 14 (she couldn't remember the lowest age you could be to be allowed onto YouTube), and I took care of the rest. I based my username on a now-defunct email I had used at the time. This isn't how I typed back in my early days on YouTube, so I was stuck having to type like someone who didn't realize that it wasn't 2003.

I didn't start making videos right away, however; initially, I just used my YouTube account to subscribe to people and leave comments. You know, generic stuff. In fact, I wouldn't create a single video until July 25, 2009, when I uploaded 3 animations to my channel.

July 25, 2009: The First Three Videos
The computer that I had used to make those animations was the family computer (I wouldn't have a chance to make my videos in private until around 2010), which had a program called Anime Studio 5 installed onto it for me. Unfortunately, none of my earliest videos had any trace of sound whatsoever. In fact, the first video to feature any sound at all was "Stick Bloopers Episode One," and that wasn't uploaded until February 5, 2010. Even then, sound wouldn't become a regular thing in my videos until "Davis and I Sing Moskau" was uploaded on April 9, 2010. Anyway, I uploaded three videos on that day, in this particular order: "Rockstar Smash," "Short Fight," and "Strange!" What you'll find here are my absolute earliest videos on my channel, "Rockstar Smash" being the absolute first video on my channel. All three of these videos are very short; combined, they last for about 14 seconds. "Short Fight" led to its more successful sequel, "Winsor's Revenge," uploaded only 2 days later.

Basically, I began making random animations whenever I could and posting them to YouTube. I remember feeling extremely ecstatic after finding "Winsor's Revenge" with 40 views. Yeah, 40 views got me ecstatic in 2009. If you're wondering if I've only recently been humble (a great example being where I stated that "I'll never be as good as [youngbloodfantasy91]" a few months back), I've actually been humble probably since before I even started on YouTube. Of course, now "Winsor's Revenge" has a grand total of 185 views (my 12-year-old self would've shit himself if he could've ever foreseen that), and my most viewed video has well over 75,000 views. But, of course, that wouldn't be until later. Anyway, these first three videos became the first steps for an emerging semi-known YouTube entertainer/commentator. Jeez, and I thought fucking mine shafts were deep...

The Six Eras of SpaceGuru5
Yes, I designate six specific time periods to my lifetime on YouTube. As you might imagine, it's not a big list (5 years really isn't a long time, unless you're a gallon of milk). Nonetheless, here are the different so-called eras of my channel's lifetime.

The Generic YouTuber Era: May 21, 2009 - July 24, 2009
The Silent Era: July 25, 2009 - April 8, 2010
The Flipnote Era: April 9, 2010 - August 7, 2010
The Classic WMM Era: September 26, 2010 - February 21, 2011
    *includes YouTube Poops, commentaries, and rants
The Modern WMM Era: February 22, 2011 - present
    *includes commentaries and rants, especially videos with my voice in them
The Cinematographic Era: May 2, 2011 - present
    *includes all instances where I use a camera to make videos and movies

I'll go over these in more detail.

The Generic YouTuber Era (May 21, 2009 - July 24, 2009)
This is the period of time where I didn't make any videos; I simply watched videos, subscribed to other channels, and left a few comments here and there.

The Silent Era (July 25, 2009 - April 8, 2010)
This is the period of time where I began to make videos, yet all of them had no audio to them whatsoever. I guess I didn't know how to add music, either.

The Flipnote Era (April 9, 2010 - August 7, 2010)
This is the period of time where I began regularly posting Flipnotes from the now-defunct Flipnote Hatena site onto my channel. This led to my most popular videos of all time - the Funny Dora series.

The Classic WMM Era (September 26, 2010 - February 21, 2011)
This began when I discovered Windows Movie Maker and began making videos using the software, specifically text rants, "montages," and YouTube Poops. This was also when I began to be able to make videos in private. Even though these videos had sounds and music in them, none of them had my voice in them. By this time, my atrocious spelling habits were gone for good.

The Modern WMM Era (February 22, 2011 - present)
This is when I began using a headset mic or other microphone to record my voice for videos. Almost immediately came the arrival of commentaries and rants. This era continues into the present day.

The Cinematographic Era (May 2, 2011 - present)
This is when I began using a camera of any sort to make films, movies, and videos. This era received a massive kick start when I got my Canon PowerShot A2300 16-mpx camera for my 15th birthday, which was on May 12, 2012. This era continues into the present day.

I do realize that I'm just rambling on about nothing, so I'll go ahead and stop here. I think you guys know the rest of my history. This is just for those who might not be aware of what I've pretty much been through for these past 5 years.

Stay tuned for more history in the making, and take care. ;)

Monday, April 28, 2014

200 Subscribers!

Happy 200 subscribers! Now, here's a countdown.

On a side note, I made this video on April 18, 2014, so the view counts are as of that date. That's why they may seem a bit too low.

"Top 20 Most Viewed SpaceGuru5 Videos (200-Subscriber Special!)

If you don't want to watch the video, that's fine. Just look at this list for the top 20 most viewed videos that I mentioned in this video (no view counts, but the year is listed in parentheses):
  • 20. Lesson 1: The derivative of y with respect to x (2010)
  • 19. An AG5 Commentary: Guptill Finally Snaps (2012)
  • 18. Shoop Da Whoop REMIX (Not Mine) (2011)
  • 17. The Coyote and the Hulk: Barney's Great Adventure (1998) Review (Part 1 of 4) (2013)
  • 16. Guptill Month Commentary 2: Guptill89 Knows Nothing About Capitalism (2012)
  • 15. My Response To LifeInATent's Earthquake Video (2011)
  • 14. A Roadrunning Commentary: Guptill Strikes Again!!! (2012)
  • 13. YouTube Poop - Dora's Gay Adventure (2010)
  • 12. Guptill Month Commentary 1: Guptill89 is a Sonic Fag (2011)
  • 11. Государственный гимн Российской Федерации (With Lyrics) (2010)
  • 10. Rant Against Sonic Recolors (2011)
  • 9. Click This If You Hate the "Do You Like Waffles" Song (2010)
  • 8. My Shadow Tribute Flipnote (50TH VIDEO!!!) (2010)
  • 7. YouTube Poop Shortie: Tails Doll Kills Dora Using Spaghetti and Gay Luigi (2010)
  • 6. Tails Doll Finds an Apprentice (2010)
  • 5. A Very Touching Moment (2010)
  • 4. Funny Dora Part 3 (2010)
  • 3. Funny Tails Doll (2010)
  • 2. Funny Dora Part 1 (2010)
  • 1. Funny Dora Part 2 (2010)
Here's my sincere message to everyone: Thank you so much for supporting me for nearly 5 years. It still amazes me to see people who love to watch my videos. Sure, I don't have nearly as much popularity as I did back in 2011, but I didn't have any diehard fans back in 2011 as I do now (Ace Lucario and Jaidon Walker are just 2 of them; I don't know how many of you are diehard fans of me). That means a lot to me. Again, thanks for supporting an eloquent douche like myself. You guys rock.

And, as always, take good care of yourselves. :D

~ Love, SpaceGuru5

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

DFGHulk and I play a coin game!

It's official; we've officially had nothing to do lately.

"The Coyote and the Hulk: Playing Sunny vs. Smiley"

Don't know what that is? It's just a little coin game similar to heads 'n tails, except the variation is that it uses a different kind of coin.

That's really it. Seriously. That thing is all I have today. So, take care. :\

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Video Is Done! (But I Won't Post It Yet...)

I worked well into the night on this video, and I finished it up at school (we had a substitute in 1st and 2nd period at my school, and I only really have to attend 2nd period band). I've made a few little tweaks to it, and now I have it ready to post! Now, I just need to wait until I have 200 subscribers to post it. Judging by the rising subscription trend, I might not have to wait too long, either!

Please don't think of this as some self-indulgence crap; I'm just doing this to give back to my fans.

Oh, right! What's the video about? Well, it's a countdown of the top 20 videos you guys seem to watch the most, which probably means that those videos are permanently associated with my channel. This could help me because it will help me understand what made me gain huge success in 2011. It could help you because it will let you decide whether or not I should do more countdowns in the future, since it'll be my very first official countdown video.

Thanks for your support, and, as always, take care. :)

P.S. This is my 50th post here. Not particularly worth noting, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

200-Subscriber Video In Progress!

Yeah, as of now, I have 198 subscribers. Not too many to most people, but it's very plentiful to me! To give back to my subscribers, I'm not going to do something particularly special (that's for my 5th YouTube anniversary); I'm just going to...well, you'll see when we get there. :P

Stay tuned, and, as always, take care. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

SG5 News Report: Is Sen. Steve O'Ban (R)acist?

This is a bit of a dusty file, but I've thankfully completed it before it gathered a dust bunny. This is just something stupid my friends and I did on March 29, 2014 (hence the date). Please don't take it too seriously; it's supposed to be sort of a joke video.

"SG5 News Report: Is Sen. Steve O'Ban (R)acist?"

Fun Fact: The events described in this video are based on a true story. Steve O'Ban went up to Cooper's house, and...well, you'll basically find out the rest by watching the video.

Enjoy, and, as always, take care. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Commentary is Posted!

Well, I guess it all comes down to this...

"The Coyote Commentates: It's Always Sunny in Grouchland"

Dear Mike Matei,

Dear everyone else, take care, and enjoy. :)

Working On Another Commentary

I've been working on this one since about 10:10 PM. The video I'm discussing is fairly old, but I'm really hoping I'll offer a different angle to approach it with. Due to the commentary Matei-real in question, I'm not sure if I can post this on my channel without it getting flagged down for BS reasons. We'll see, though! And, if it does happen, don't any of you guys let him forget it! ;)

The commentary could be posted as early as tomorrow evening (at least, where I live it'll be evening), since I've got most of it done already (WITHOUT A SCRIPT!). With that said, stay tuned, take care, and stay away from Grouchland. ;)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

UPDATES: DFGHulk's 17th Birthday Occurs Tomorrow and the Demo Recordings

Even though Daniel's birthday really occurs tomorrow, he's holding a party on Saturday. He's invited quite a few of our friends, including my friend Alec Estes, who I jammed with last Saturday alongside his other friends.

Speaking of, I realize that I forgot to post about those demo recordings on this blog. It was late at night when I posted them, and I just wanted to go to bed, so I simply just went to bed after they were uploaded. It slipped my mind to post about them on here, so here I am posting about them almost a week later. Shit like this happens to me all the time, so don't get too riled up about that.

Anyway, here's the recordings, in case anyone is really interested:

"Demo Recording: I wrote a song about a sandwich."

"Demo Recording: A jazz song"

Yes, the guy behind the drums in the sandwich song and the bass in the jazz song might show up to the party. We'll see about it, though.

Daniel hopes that all of these people will be potential actors to help with the movie.

Stay tuned, and get the fuck over yourselves. I can post whatever I want. Oh, yeah, and take care. :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Rant Against Modern Society is Underway

I've already recorded my narration for the rant, and I've just begun editing the narration so I could set it to pictures. Unedited, my narration goes for about 25 minutes, so that should clue you in on how much I hate about modern society.

Stay tuned, and take care. :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Dissection Video #2: Kphoria

Didn't I tell you?

"The Coyote Dissects: Kphoria"

I know I apologized to this guy in 2011, but I don't care. I need to say what needs to be said about this guy, and this is the best way I can say it, so don't say to me that I can't say it, since you have no say in what I say about saying stuff. Do you get what I'm saying, or do I need to say it again?

Anyway, that's about it. Happy Pi Day, and take care. :)

Now, I should probably get to sleep; I have to get up again at 6 AM to get ready for school!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dissection of Kphoria to be posted soon!

I just finished editing the video. Now I just need to upload it. Just in time for Pi Day, too!

Please stay tuned. It'll be up soon, I promise. :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

New Coyote & Friends Video

Daniel had this crazy idea to dial a bunch of numbers. I had this crazy idea to film us doing it.

"The Coyote and the Hulk: Lewd, Shrewd, and Screwed-Up Phone Numbers!"

...That's...really all there is I need to say. It's 4:34 AM PDT right now (3:34 AM to much of the rest of the world) and I'm tired as hell. What do you want from me?!

Monday, February 24, 2014

UPDATE: More About the Barney Movie

No, the movie hasn't been canceled. We've actually gotten a lot done with it over the past few months.

We've completed my scenes and have gone quite well into Daniel's scenes. Everything else, save for the opening credits, is still not done yet, but the current production rate puts the end of all production of the movie at either the end of March or the end of April.

Essentially, we have a grand total of 3 hours and 58 minutes of footage! That's about thrice as much as Barney's Great Adventure's total run time! That's the unedited length, though; edited, the footage probably takes up less than 30 minutes. We're hoping the movie will be a full-length movie of at least 45 minutes to 1 hour.

In other news, Daniel has moved out of his old apartment and into his new house. I will leave his address undisclosed.

In other other news, I've already completed the opening credits sequence, which took a whole hour to make. If you want to see it, you'll have to wait until the movie's completion. Sorry. The latest we should be done should be around April or May, and I will release the movie on May 21, 2014, the day where I will celebrate my 5th Anniversary on YouTube.

In the mean time, here's the movie's title card as it appears in the opening credits.

Nothing too special. You'll have to forgive my use of Comic Sans MS, though; it was the closest font choice I had that resembled the Barney logo the best. I do hope you understand.

Stay tuned for the movie, and take care. :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A New Commentary?! What the Hell?!

Subscriber Jaidon Walker wanted a commentary, so here it is. It's been over a year since the last one, so here you go. Enjoy.

"The Coyote Commentates: I Should Be a One-Trick Pony"

I think this is the first time I've commentated on one of my fans. Huh. Funny how that works.

Take care. :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dusting Off the Old Files (Episode 3)

I have a feeling this year will be about as active as 2010...

...at least in terms of video production... >_>

"Dusting Off the Old Files #3: The Events of July 22, 2010"

A true story retold by DFGHulk. Trust me, it gets really fucking ridiculous!

Thanks for watching, and take care. :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dusting Off the Old Files: Episode 2 and "Confession" without vocals

I uploaded the second installment of Dusting Off the Old Files two hours ago (oops).

I have received this question from my devoted stalker...um, I mean fan, Ace Lucario.

Q: "Any plans later, Gil?"

I replied with the following:

A: "Actually, yes. Early this month, Daniel and I began the production of our own Barney movie that focuses on the aftermath of the review. Of course, that means it probably won't be on this channel for several months at most.

I also am intending to do a commentary on a video I found that claims that Islam is evil, and I'm currently working on a rant about modern society.

These plans, however, are being pushed back because of school, college, and the fact that Daniel and I have tons of unedited videos. I'm just trying to get those out of the way before I do anything else that I want to get done."

Let this be a reminder to everyone that I'm far from having drained all of my video ideas. I'm just finishing up unfinished projects so that way I won't have to worry about them later.

Anyway, here's the video:

"Dusting Off the Old Files: Puyallup Fair Adventures!"

Also, since so many of you have watched my video of "Confession" (a whopping 3 views as of writing this), I've decided to post a video featuring no vocals, just in case anyone was unimpressed by my singing voice.

Here it is:

"Amateur Recordings: 'Confession' (no vocals)"

Thanks for your support, and take care. :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

A New Song: "Confession"

I began writing this song on January 2, 2014, though I didn't finish writing it until yesterday. Most of that is due to my ever-busying schedule, although I find it funny that I still can post these kinds of videos on whatever time I have left.

I actually recorded my singing voice for this one, and, hopefully, after you listen to it, you'll understand why I don't usually post things with me singing to begin with. Just trust me.

"Amateur Recordings: 'Confession'"

Thanks for watching, enjoy, and take care. :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Video: Dusting Off the Old Files (Episode 1)

This is the video I mentioned earlier. I hope you enjoy it.

Expect many videos in this series. Seriously.

"The Coyote and the Hulk: 7-Year-Old 'Fragheads' Rant"

Thanks for watching, and take care. :)

New Series: Dusting Off the Old Files

There will be a video posted today showcasing the first episode of a new series called "Dusting Off the Old Files," where I edit and post videos that I filmed a long time ago that I couldn't get to edit at the time it was filmed. Sometimes, it can be years after filming. Other times, it's only after a few months. Either way, these videos had been gathering dust, and so this series will dust them off.

The first episode in this series, which is a rant about children playing M-rated shooter games, was originally filmed on the afternoon of December 18, 2012. Be patient, for it will be uploaded soon.

Thanks for your support, and take care. :)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A PSA? From Me? Sure, Whatever.

Just a quick one here. I needed to say it here and now.

"PSA: To Modern Parents"

Monday, January 6, 2014

Barney Movie In Production!

On January 4, 2014, at 3:33 PM PT, Three Losers with a Camera has begun filming a movie about the aftermath of the Barney review series, documenting the experiences of the three reviewers as they try to defeat Barney in their psyches. We're trying to make this at most a full-length film, so production will definitely take several months. Please be patient.

Take care. :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Video is a Series of Confessions

To start off 2014, I've decided to let you guys know:
  • whether or not I'm a furry.
  • my true thoughts on the Internet Rules Rant.
  • my sexuality.
I'm not doing this for publicity, but rather to help get the big elephant off of my chest. This will serve as a test for my fans and friends. If you leave because of anything I confess in the video, you will have failed. If you stay even after everything I say in the video, you will have passed.

I expect most of my fans and friends to leave after they watch the video, but we'll see.

"The Coyote Responds: A Confession About Furries, the Internet Rules Rant, and My Sexuality"

Thanks for watching, and take care.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014! (Plus some random stuff about my current viewership)

Holy shit. Is it 2014 now? Great, I guess now I have to post a happy message here on every single national holiday celebrated in the USA.

Well, it's 2014. SpaceGuru5 has almost existed for 5 years now.

What the hell happened to those 5 years!?

I became SpaceGuru5 literally 9 days after I turned 12. At first, it was a very secretive channel—it came into existence entirely due to my sister setting up the channel for me. She set my age back then to 14 years old, which is why I can now view 18+ videos even though I'm only 16—though, as you can probably tell, it's become quite public over the last 5 years. Sure, I have 255,691 views on all of my videos now, but keep in mind I have 157 videos.

255,691 views / 157 videos = 1,628.605096 views / video ~ 1,629 views / video

If I got 1,629 views on my videos, though, I think I'd shit myself, because the average number of views I get nowadays is nowhere near that number. Maybe it was possible back in 2011, when I was hugely popular, but now I have a tough time getting videos to reach 500 views, let alone 1,629.

Wanna know how many views I have for my 2013 videos? As of 1:58 PM on January 1, 2014, that number is 1,995 views. Yeah, 1,995 views over the span of 365 days and 19 videos. Seems like a lot, right? Well, let's do the math:

1,995 views / 365 days = 5.465753425 views / day ~ 5 views / day

1,995 views / 19 videos = 105 views / video

Pretty small numbers, right? Now, let's look at videos I made in 2011. As of 2:01 PM on January 1, 2014, I have 15,093. Let's do the math here:

15,093 views / 365 days = 41.35068493 views / day ~ 41 views / day

15,093 views / 43 videos = 351 views / video

So, over 3 years,...

2011                                   2014
41 views / day                    5 views / day                         100% – 12.19512195% = 87.80487805%
351 views / video               105 views / video                  100% – 29.9145299% = 70.0854701%

Basically, I've lost 78.94517408%, or about 79%, of my audience from 2011, which means that, if I had 100 viewers in 2011, I only have about 21 of those same viewers now.

So, to the 21% of you that are still watching my content from 2011, thank you for your patience. I appreciate your kindness that you have reserved for some weird old curmudgeon like me.

To the 79% of you that have stopped watching my content since 2011, was I just not good enough for you? What the hell were you expecting from a lower-middle class teenage Mexican American high school student? Obviously, you can't expect great work from someone like me.

Anyway, Happy 2014, and take care. :)

P.S. Don't even bother making a resolution, because you'll end up going back to apathy within a week anyway.