Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Surprise! This video will finish off 2014.

You can ask me about anything. Really. Anything. I'll gather whatever questions I receive into a video, and its length depends on however many questions I get and how long it'll take for me to answer them.

1. No more than 3 will be allowed for each individual user.
2. Only 1 and 2 are the rules.

Be sure to post your questions by January 15, 2015, because this Q&A will be closed on that date.

"Q&A 2015 (Open Until 15 Jan 2015)"

This marks the end of my 2014 video production. 39 videos is quite a handful, ain't it? Anyway, that's all for this year. Take care, and I'll see y'all in 2015. :)

YEU #1: 2014 / OAU #2: Dec 2014

So, it's the last day of the year and of the month. This will serve two purposes: to compare it to November and to 2013, all in one swoop. Let's not waste any more time.

All statistics are as of December 31, 2014.
Total views: 303,303 (+3,655 from November) (+46,719 from 2013)
Subscribers: 260 (+2 from November) (+86 from 2013)
Videos: 196 (+4 from November) (+39 from 2013)

Thanks for another great year, and let's hope 2015 will be great as well. I love you guys. :)

Remember, OAUs (Official Analytics Updates) will occur at the end of every month, and YEUs (Year-End Updates) will occur at the end of every year.

Happy 2015, and take care. :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

There Will Be More to the Racism Rant

Before I get into the subject of this post, I'd like to say that I recently stumbled across two videos that I encourage all of my viewers to watch.

Johnathan Gentry decries Ferguson rioters
shakaama on Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson being booed out of Ferguson

It's videos like these that restore my faith in humanity.

Now on to the subject of this post. I've decided to make a series of rants decrying different aspects of modern American society. I'll be talking about things like feminism, excessive materialism, anarchy, reverse discrimination, and other topics. Needless to say, some of the topics I'll discuss are very controversial. This series will test my knowledge of these topics as well as the maturity of my audience. All I ask is that you keep an open mind about my topics, because I know I'll end up saying things that will cause massive uproar on my channel.

As far as I know, this series will definitely start in 2015. The day they finish depends on how much I have to talk about, though I might end up finishing by the end of 2015 or the start of 2016.

Take care, and stay tuned.

Friday, December 26, 2014

LASFT Sneak Peek!

We just got this scene done today, and it only took us since November 16 to film it! I sense a long filming process ahead of us...

"A Sneak Peek at Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller"

Happy Boxing Day and Kwanzaa, and take care. :)

~ SpaceGuru5

Friday, December 19, 2014

Playing the AVGN Theme

I realize this is a week late.

Yes, I am a fan of the AVGN. I know the things I said in my Grouchland commentary might have given you the opposite idea, but I just thought I'd clarify it before I post about my week-old video.

Anyway, on December 12, 2014, I recorded a video of myself playing the AVGN theme on a piano at my school. The version I played took me 20 minutes to master, and I was going off of pure memory.

"The Coyote Plays the AVGN Theme"

As of 1:30 PM today, I am officially on Winter Break, though I'll be unavailable pretty much for all of next week. Tomorrow and the day after, I'll be part of the leadership in a retreat with my youth group, and I'll officially be available on the day after Christmas, i.e. December 26 (or Boxing Day for my Canadian/British/Australian audience).

That's about it. Have yourselves a merry little Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa (or Christmahanukkwanzaakah, to borrow from last year), and take care as the Holiday season reaches its climax. I love you guys. :)

~ SpaceGuru5

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Racism Rant is Here!

A rant that was 11 months in the making is finally here! I said I was starting work on it in January 24, 2014, when I posted DOTOF S1E2: Puyallup Fair Adventures. That should tell you how my schedule is.

Anyway, please enjoy the video and comment responsibly.

"The Coyote Rants: Racism in Modern Society"

That's it for today. Take care. :)

(UPDATE: 20 Dec 2014, 12:11 AM)
I was looking through some of my older posts on this blog and found more info on this rant's production. As it turns out, I didn't start making this rant in January 2014; I began making this rant all the way back on November 13, 2013, a whole 10 days before I posted the first part of the Barney review. This means that this video was nearly 1 year and 1 month in the making, so that should tell you how much time I needed to figure out the angle I wanted to tackle this topic with. As it turns out, I might end up doing a series where I talk about all the aspects of modern society that I have problems with. We'll see. I might end up completing the series before I return to my current city in 2017. At this point, I'm not sure.

Official Analytics Update #1: November 2014

I know I forgot to do this earlier, but at least I'm doing this before I have to do a December 2014 one.

All statistics are as of November 30, 2014.
Total views: 299,648 (+4,267 from October 31, 2014)
Subscribers: 258 (+13 from October 31, 2014)
Videos: 192 (+2 from October 31, 2014)

Stay tuned for the December 2014 OAU and the Year-End Update (YEU) on December 31, 2014.

The Racism Rant Is Almost Here

I finished editing the rant at 11:32 PM after doing so for about two hours. It was easy, and I'm happy with the result. Now I'm just waiting for the video to be published to my flash drive so I can upload it.

After I'm done with all this, I need to go to bed...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Racism Rant is In Progress

I'm aware I mentioned this at the end of 2013, but I wasn't sure how I could talk about racism's persistence in modern society. Racism is a very sensitive topic to cover, so I'm aware of the huge implications that racism connotates. I'm highly aware that there will be people who will vehemently disagree with what I have to say, and that's fine. It's totally expected. Still, I ask that you keep an open mind about what I will have to say about racism. If you proceed to act with ignorance in the comments section, you risk being blocked from commenting ever again. You have been warned.

This is going to take a while to make, so please stay tuned.

Thanks. :)