I've come down with what I suspect to be a fever. I've been sick since Monday. The reason why I have the fever is because I ate some Toblerone chocolate. Here's the thing; it expired on November 20, 2013, only 3 days before I posted the first part of the Barney review series. Yeah. Great job, SpaceGuru5! Frickin' moran...
How I got the expired Toblerone is another story. At my college, we have a supplementary course known as SI Sessions. The sessions help us in English class, which is a class that I'm notorious for either failing or barely scraping by.
On Monday, our host Mason had us play "Grammar Games," in which we were supposed to point out grammatical errors in sample sentences. If we got it right without the hint, we got 2 points. If we got it right and explained the error, we got 3 points. If we got it right with the hint, we got 1 point. I ended up winning with 20 points.
The prize? The old Toblerone bar that I made the horrible mistake of eating.
I had four bits of it before I noticed I was getting sick. Little did I know that it would get even worse.
I'm still fighting this fever. My eyes are on fire, my head feels light, my throat's burning, and I'm extremely lethargic. If you didn't know better, you'd say I was drunk. (But I'm not, so STFU)
I think it's getting better, albeit very slowly. It's off and on, so there are times I feel mildly woozy, and there are other times where I feel like I got off a high-speed carousel.
I'm trying not to let my illness control me. Please don't consider this my final message, because I'm sure I'll be better again either tomorrow or by the end of the week.
I may be down, but I'm not out.
Take care, and PLEASE don't eat expired chocolate.