Some of my arguments may have been a bit digressive, especially towards the end, but I still do have a good case for my main point. This commentary shows what happens when you misinterpret fiction into a reason for feminism to continue, blatantly misconstruing several movies in the process. In some ways, I may have found a female 2012 Guptill89 (current Guppy has improved since his days of infamy). That said, watch and enjoy.
"Coyote Comms: Justification through Misinterpretation"
I might do one or two more commentaries of this caliber, where I take a perspective of a current social dispute and criticize it. Seeing how I've already covered PC culture and feminism, what could the other two possibly be? ;)
Stay tuned, take care, and thanks for your support.
~ SpaceGuru5