Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

"Dramatic" Reading on a Satirical Fanfic

Feast your eyes on this hilarious video I made last night. This was recorded during a Skype call I had with youngbloodfantasy91, Ara Marson, and Dan Roxas. What ensued was enough material to make a video. This is that video. Enjoy!

"'Dramatic' Reading: And That's the Way It Is (ft. youngbloodfantasy91, Ara Marson, and Dan Roxas)"

Overly long titles FTW!!!

That's about it for now. Take care, everyone!

~ SpaceGuru5

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New co-op comm in the works!

That's right! For the first time in two years, I'll be doing another co-op commentary! This time, it'll involve myself, Mister_Power_Armor, and Dan "Mr. Barista" Roxas. I won't say who it's on just yet, since you'll find out in due time, but I will say that production has officially started. I finished the first draft of the script twenty minutes ago, and I await the responses of my two cooperators.

Doing this just reminds me that making commentaries is like a working on a project. I see it as working on a visual argumentative essay, but something like a co-op commentary, even if it enlists the help of just one other person, is definitely a team effort. We can probably get this whole thing done within the next week or so. Fingers crossed!

~ SpaceGuru5

Monday, October 10, 2016

New Schedule for Livestreams

I've decided to host my livestreams every Monday from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM PDT. More of my friends are available at that time than at 10:30 AM to 1:30 AM PDT, and it's easier to compact it to one livestream every Monday than two. Hopefully, you understand.