So a lot of shit went down this past weekend. I spent much of it helping out 8363MTR with a thing (you'll find out about it in due time, dear followers). We planned this thing out over the course of three days and three nights, and we were able to get it done. Now it's up to him to make it a video.
What enticed us to making this thing I speak of? Well, it happened to be a video made by none other than Smartass Birb (aka SuperFunnyBros) called "I'm Gay and I'm Not Oppressed." It was...uh...yeah, the video was awful.
Click here if you wanna check it out. For some reason, Blogger won't let me embed it.
Anyway, we're all watching this in the Discord server, and MTR, ThisIsntNotMetal, Snapshot_Tiger, and I are like "We need to do something about this." Though Metal and Snapshot never went ahead with what they wanted to do, MTR and I stuck to the plan. We had created a combined rough draft by the end of Friday night. The next night, MIMD1994 hosted a Watch Together room in which we all watched "I'm Gay and I'm Not Oppressed." Similar reactions were beheld there.
As MTR and I are working on our thing, a bunch of shit just came out of the woodworks. Smartass Birb, as usual, was getting all defensive about his points being wrong and continuously being like, "Go to my Discord server so we can talk this out." He does this quite often, too; he does this not just for videos people disagree with him on, but also for his shenanigans that he pulled on GoFundMe (which I won't go into here, for the sake of brevity). He claims that his mistakes happened long ago, when really the only reason we keep talking about it is because he continuously denies it, to the point of calling our truthful accusations "borderline libel." Naturally, as I find out about this, my friends and I on our Discord server just continue to harp on the issue at hand. We talked so much about this that Hobbes had to create a separate text channel (#videovent) for us to talk about it (we were doing this solely in #politicaljargon at the time, which is really more for political stuff than picking apart a particular YouTube user).
Monday afternoon was just crazy. I mean, holy shit. Literally everything just went out of control. Birb basically just lost it. He went so far as to make a long thread on his Twitter page that detailed how everyone hates him and how people won't let the GoFundMe scandal die and that the only reason people dislike him is because he didn't share their political views. He just went all out on Twitter.
On top of this, Birb and I got into a bit of a heated discussion in the comments section of his "I'm Gay and I'm Not Oppressed" video. When he revealed that he created a Discord server for people to discuss his video (he claimed that he was tired of talking about it on YouTube), I complained that people shouldn't have to go to closed forums for open forum discussions. When he sent a permanent link to his Discord server in reply, I reworded the same thing I said before. When he claimed that the server was just as public as YouTube and that it served as a place for people to talk to him directly, as opposed to hiding behind keyboards, I stated that Discord servers aren't inherently public; otherwise, you wouldn't need invitations for people to join them. I also pointed out that he had a problem with hiding behind keyboards, yet he had no problem hiding behind his cronies that populated the server. When he tried to fend off my accusation and claimed that detractors and supporters could use the server to debate, I pointed out how he whinged to his friends about the dislikes his video received and implored them to counteract them with likes. I also mentioned that detractors and supporters could also debate the video within the YouTube comments themselves, thus proving that there was no point to having the Discord server.
For a while, I got no reply. Then, a few minutes later, I noticed that he had deleted the comment thread. Of course, y'all should know me by this point. I had the entire comment thread screencapped and archived beforehand. Thus, when Birb deleted the comment thread, I posted my screencap to my own Twitter and left a link to the status on the comments section of his video. That all happened literally moments before I had to get ready for class.
It was during class time when I was finally able to settle down. I had become very tense throughout this entire harsh debate, though I was still able to get my work done expediently. It literally took me walking several times throughout the hallways after lunch to get me to start calming down. I had become so tense that it felt like I had overdosed on some freak stimulant. So of course, when I recognized this, I decided to try and calm down.
Then I get back to my room to get ready for Reveille. I check my Twitter, having been away for about 10 hours, and found that Birb replied to me posting the comment thread. He claimed to have deleted the thread because he deleted the Discord server, no ifs ands or buts about it. I was skeptical of this, because he could've just left a reply saying "I deleted the Discord server" or something; he didn't have to delete the entire comment thread to do this. So naturally, I left a reply saying, "I'm sure it had nothing to do with what I said. -_-" and went on my merry way downstairs.
We got released almost immediately after Reveille and To the Colors. I returned to my room, now completely tired, and feeling somewhat guilty for how I handled things. I stand by everything that I said, but now I'm just thinking that I could've handled things a bit calmer than what I actually did. To top this off, Birb made a Twitlonger in which he apologized for his own irrational behavior and promised not to start drama like this ever again.
So that brings us to now. After all of this, I can't help but feel a bit shaken at what happened. This whole thing went out of control really quickly, and both Birb and I didn't handle things quite as well as we should have. I made the mistake of being extremely harsh, and he made the mistake of being extremely defensive. That's what happens when emotions go on autopilot and tensions flare.
There's only one lesson to be learned out of this entire crazy mess, and that's to never let your emotions get the better of your judgment. So many bridges were burned in this situation, and so many people were affected by what happened these past few days. Hobbes had the great misfortune of both being forcefully dragged into this and having to pick sides between his large group of friends. And of course, I had the misfortune of helping to make this whole brouhaha even crazier.
I'm sorry things had to get to this point. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at myself the same way ever again. I didn't know I was capable of being brutally harsh...until I was that harsh.
That's about it for right now, folks. I'm SpaceGuru5. I implore you.
Please, for the love of god, don't make the same mistakes we all made.
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