Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

So, I turned 18...

I'm a little late on this one, but last Tuesday marked the official beginning of my adulthood; May 12, 2015, was my first day as a legal adult.

Some good things about this:
  • I can legally purchase tobacco (not that I'd want to, but I'm sure some would find this a perk)
  • I can register to vote (which I already have so I can be an active political participant)
  • I don't have to pretend to be over 18 to order things from infomercials
  • I can finally watch NC-17-rated flicks (not that I'd go above an R-rated flick)
  • I get to be called a "young adult" instead of a "teenager"
Some bad things about this:
  • I can go to an actual jail if I commit a felony (not that I would, but the threat exists now)
  • I'm still technically not allowed to drink booze (again, not that I would)
  • At age 18, I'm still technically a teenager, though the title "young adult" helps this one
  • New life stage = new responsibilities (no more compulsive mooching off of the folks!)
  • I don't want to grow up, like, ever (nobody really does, anyway)
Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday with some rounds of bowling against DFGHulk and Darth Vigorous. It's through those rounds that I realized I sucked at bowling and Dan is a beast at it (it just takes some time). We do have footage of that event, though I need to work on that still. Some of the footage may already be up on Vigorous' channel.

Anyway, that's about it. Take care. :)

(yes I'm still working on the special. it may be late this year. we'll see.)

Sunday, May 10, 2015

6th Anniversary Special is Coming Up!

That's right, I'm already in the process of creating this channel's 6th Anniversary Special. It's a commentary, though I won't say what it's on for now. All I'll say is that you'll find out when it comes out.

Stay tuned on May 21 for the special, and take care. ;)

P.S. How's AtWar going for you guys?