Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Yep, Another Commentary. :3

I told you I'd do one on a third-wave feminist. ;)

Some of my arguments may have been a bit digressive, especially towards the end, but I still do have a good case for my main point. This commentary shows what happens when you misinterpret fiction into a reason for feminism to continue, blatantly misconstruing several movies in the process. In some ways, I may have found a female 2012 Guptill89 (current Guppy has improved since his days of infamy). That said, watch and enjoy.

"Coyote Comms: Justification through Misinterpretation"

I might do one or two more commentaries of this caliber, where I take a perspective of a current social dispute and criticize it. Seeing how I've already covered PC culture and feminism, what could the other two possibly be? ;)

Stay tuned, take care, and thanks for your support.

~ SpaceGuru5

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Commentary!? O_O;

That's right. After having not made one since November 2014, I've finally come back with a brand-new commentary. This one concerns whether or not being PC is hampering freedom of speech. (Spoilers: It is.)

"Coyote Comms: Freedom of [Inoffensive] Speech"

I already have a new commentary target in my sights who happens to be a third-wave "feminist." Yeah, I'm gonna have a little fun for the rest of the summer. ;)

~ SpaceGuru5

There's a New Video in Town...

...and it calls itself a Coyote Comm.

That's right, my next video is going to be a commentary. I won't say what it's going to be on just yet, but you'll find out soon enough. Right now, I just need to get to bed; it's 2:30 AM over here!

I already have it done. I'm just waiting for it to finish exporting from VideoPad.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Hawai'i Island Montage

Well, after being back home for 34 days, it's time to unveil the photos I took during the trip to Hawai'i Island. In total, I took 506 photos, though the video I'm about to show you will only showcase 153 of them. I've set these to an appropriately themed soundtrack. I hope you all enjoy this.

"Hawai'i Island Montage" (1 Aug 2016)

This also happens to be the first montage I've made since December 11, 2010, only this time it's using photos I actually took.

DFG Hulk and I have been collaborating to create a series of videos documenting our whole trip. I've been tasked with most of the editing, and DFG Hulk has been tasked with last-minute fine tuning. We've been posting the finished videos to his YouTube channel, so be sure to check those out. I'll probably showcase the videos here once they're all done.