Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Friday, November 25, 2016

SKSD Reading is Finally Posted!

(1:13 PM PST)
Holy crap, guys, you have no idea how much of an arduous process it was for me to make this video. I actually first worked on this from November 9 to November 12, though a virus prevented VideoPad from working correctly. So I got that cleared up, and I tried again. Since the virus afflicted the project file I was working off of (so much so that it didn't register as a valid project file), I decided to start again from scratch. So hours and hours of painstaking edits later, I finally got it all done, and I threw it all together in Movie Maker. The video exported overnight, so all I had to do was just come back when I woke up and post it to YouTube.

Game, set, and match. I win.

Anyway, this video features a reading my friends and I did on Skype. We read KexAndy100's latest "story," and...well, why don't you see the video for yourself? I've hyped it up enough already.

"SKSD Readers: Oh, How Little Has Changed... (KexAndy100)"

Featuring the voice talents of:
Kevin Striker
Dan Roxas

(6:39 PM PST)
Here's a little bonus, too:

"PSA: Never Talk Over SoySus15!"

That's about it for today, folks. Take care. :)

~ SpaceGuru5

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Thoughts on the 2016 Election

So the election happened last night. The people voted, the votes were counted, and even though Clinton got the popular vote compared to Trump (59,680,035 votes to 59,479,278 votes), Trump received 306 electoral votes, while Clinton received 232.

This isn't the first time this has happened (it happened in 2000 with Bush and Gore), but I know it's come as a shock to many people. I know many people out there are afraid of what Trump will do in office, now that he's the new president-elect, and I can understand why; several media outlets have not been kind to him, and I'm well aware that he's said things that I don't agree with. In fact, personally, I would've preferred Sanders to be our next president instead of Trump.

Here's the thing, though; no matter who would've been elected, they still would've just been a president. We have such things as checks and balances to ensure no one in the government has all the power. There's not going to be a day when all that will suddenly go away just because one person was elected president. They will simply come into office, do what they can, and then another election will roll on by. Besides, no candidate in any election is going to be what's best for everyone in the country. There's no such thing as a perfect politician; there's only people, and people are not infallible.

I'm not saying I'm happy with the results of this election, but I'm not upset by them either. All I'm saying is that, even though we don't know what the future holds until we get there, the last thing we should do is live in fear of it. I understand where the fear resides, but I am here to say it's going to be okay; this is just another election, and this is just another president. Only time will tell where things will go from here.

~ SpaceGuru5

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

"Dramatic" Reading on a Satirical Fanfic

Feast your eyes on this hilarious video I made last night. This was recorded during a Skype call I had with youngbloodfantasy91, Ara Marson, and Dan Roxas. What ensued was enough material to make a video. This is that video. Enjoy!

"'Dramatic' Reading: And That's the Way It Is (ft. youngbloodfantasy91, Ara Marson, and Dan Roxas)"

Overly long titles FTW!!!

That's about it for now. Take care, everyone!

~ SpaceGuru5

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New co-op comm in the works!

That's right! For the first time in two years, I'll be doing another co-op commentary! This time, it'll involve myself, Mister_Power_Armor, and Dan "Mr. Barista" Roxas. I won't say who it's on just yet, since you'll find out in due time, but I will say that production has officially started. I finished the first draft of the script twenty minutes ago, and I await the responses of my two cooperators.

Doing this just reminds me that making commentaries is like a working on a project. I see it as working on a visual argumentative essay, but something like a co-op commentary, even if it enlists the help of just one other person, is definitely a team effort. We can probably get this whole thing done within the next week or so. Fingers crossed!

~ SpaceGuru5

Monday, October 10, 2016

New Schedule for Livestreams

I've decided to host my livestreams every Monday from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM PDT. More of my friends are available at that time than at 10:30 AM to 1:30 AM PDT, and it's easier to compact it to one livestream every Monday than two. Hopefully, you understand.

Friday, September 23, 2016

New Blog Header!?

Yep, after being the same since January 2, 2014, I've decided to make a new blog header. I figured it was time for a change, and I think I made it worthwhile. I'll put the previous designs here so you can see how far it's come. Time to step back in time. Let me know what you think!

The original design.
31 Aug 2012 - 1 Jan 2014

The second design.
2 Jan 2014 - 23 Sep 2016

The new design.
23 Sep 2016 - current

That's it for right now. Have yourselves a good day, and take care.

~ SpaceGuru5

The Birth of a Livestream

Introducing Hanging with Dollar Store Hobbes, where I just do a livestream in which I hang out with my friends and maybe answer a few questions. I'll try to do these every Monday from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and then from 3:30 to 6:30 PM PST. Let me know what you guys think!

"Hanging with Dollar Store Hobbes 1"

For some reason, Blogspot won't let me add the trial runs I did that morning yet. S:\

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Did You Miss These?

After some very long soul searching, I've decided to make a bunch of videos public again. Not all of them, of course (21 still remain private), but fan favorites like the Barney review series and Barney: The Aftermath are back. I'm praying to God that it stays that way (let's face it, I know it likely won't).

I decided to make those public again because I knew you guys liked them, and I felt it wasn't fair to keep them away from people who clearly enjoyed them. I appreciate your understanding that it's all just three teenage kids making fun of a bad kids' movie, as well as your patience.

Feel free to enjoy these while you still can.

~ SpaceGuru5

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Yep, Another Commentary. :3

I told you I'd do one on a third-wave feminist. ;)

Some of my arguments may have been a bit digressive, especially towards the end, but I still do have a good case for my main point. This commentary shows what happens when you misinterpret fiction into a reason for feminism to continue, blatantly misconstruing several movies in the process. In some ways, I may have found a female 2012 Guptill89 (current Guppy has improved since his days of infamy). That said, watch and enjoy.

"Coyote Comms: Justification through Misinterpretation"

I might do one or two more commentaries of this caliber, where I take a perspective of a current social dispute and criticize it. Seeing how I've already covered PC culture and feminism, what could the other two possibly be? ;)

Stay tuned, take care, and thanks for your support.

~ SpaceGuru5

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Commentary!? O_O;

That's right. After having not made one since November 2014, I've finally come back with a brand-new commentary. This one concerns whether or not being PC is hampering freedom of speech. (Spoilers: It is.)

"Coyote Comms: Freedom of [Inoffensive] Speech"

I already have a new commentary target in my sights who happens to be a third-wave "feminist." Yeah, I'm gonna have a little fun for the rest of the summer. ;)

~ SpaceGuru5

There's a New Video in Town...

...and it calls itself a Coyote Comm.

That's right, my next video is going to be a commentary. I won't say what it's going to be on just yet, but you'll find out soon enough. Right now, I just need to get to bed; it's 2:30 AM over here!

I already have it done. I'm just waiting for it to finish exporting from VideoPad.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Hawai'i Island Montage

Well, after being back home for 34 days, it's time to unveil the photos I took during the trip to Hawai'i Island. In total, I took 506 photos, though the video I'm about to show you will only showcase 153 of them. I've set these to an appropriately themed soundtrack. I hope you all enjoy this.

"Hawai'i Island Montage" (1 Aug 2016)

This also happens to be the first montage I've made since December 11, 2010, only this time it's using photos I actually took.

DFG Hulk and I have been collaborating to create a series of videos documenting our whole trip. I've been tasked with most of the editing, and DFG Hulk has been tasked with last-minute fine tuning. We've been posting the finished videos to his YouTube channel, so be sure to check those out. I'll probably showcase the videos here once they're all done.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hawaii Trip Starts Soon!

Well, as of typing this, we're a few hours away from heading to the airport. I'm not sure when our flight takes off just yet. Gotta say, I'm pretty stoked for this trip. Anyway, DFGHulk and I will be getting as much of our adventures in Hawaii as we can. We'll see what happens! :D

I'm SpaceGuru5, and as always, take care.

"Hawaii Vlog #1: Getting Ready to Go"

Monday, May 2, 2016

Important Update

(Note: This post contains some language specific to Roman Catholicism, so if reading religious stuff makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to subject yourself to it.)

I spent the whole afternoon yesterday at a retreat my youth group attended. It was my second time going to this retreat. Both times were powerful experiences, but for different reasons.

About a year ago, I was stressed out about my academic performance. I was seriously worried that I was going to fail my college classes and, in turn, fail my parents. Thus, when I went to the retreat in 2015, I felt a powerful reassurance that things would be okay, and that the Lord will always be with me.

Ever since then, I've undergone quite a number of things, mostly concerning Darth's mother's stance on my YouTube channel. It was all an emotional firestorm, and I was caught up in it with DFG Hulk. I was sucked into a vortex of depression and anxiety that I figured I'd never escape. On top of this, Darth's mother continued to seemingly pester DFG Hulk on his channel, making both of us feel agitated and wrathful.

Then, yesterday, I went on the retreat again. I had chosen to attend it based on how great the first one was. This time around managed to be powerful in a somewhat different way. I spent quite a bit of time talking to a now 19-year-old man from Glasgow about what was happening in my life at that point. He and another man prayed over me, and they both gave me suggestions on what I needed to do to fix it, as well as reassured me that the Lord will help me to do what's right. Ever since the incident in August, I had the notion that my parents would verbally excoriate me if anything similar ever happened again, so I chose not to tell them about when I got flagged in late January and again in early April. After I spoke with the two men, I had a word with the youth minister, whom I have known since 2013. I told him what was going on, and he gave me advice to tell my parents about what was going on so they could help me. From the depths of my soul, I assured that I would do it as soon as I could. At that point, I had decided that I needed to tell my parents on that night.

After speaking with my parents about what's been going on, I've gained some new insight, and I realize I was completely wrong about this whole situation.

On their advice, I've decided to make videos featuring or mentioning Darth Vigorous private until further notice. Said further notice will most likely be in 2018.

Here's the thing: The way things are make it so that Darth's mother has a say in Darth's life until he turns 21. I won't say exactly why, but basically her word is paramount until that happens.

Like I said, I've been totally wrong about this whole thing. She flagged me not out of spite, but out of natural parental worry. Sure, the incident in August was brash and irrationally handled, but that was the only extent of emotional flares. Everything else was done for the concern of her son. Is it irrational? Maybe, but until Darth can officially have a say in his life, what she says about his life must be followed. It's just what has to be done.

As of now, the situation no longer applies to me. I will leave it to DFG Hulk to inform his parents about this whole thing and take their own actions, but as of now, the situation is completely out of my hands.

What a relief...

Sorry for the long post, but I just had to get everything off my chest and let you guys know what's up.

~ SpaceGuru5

Friday, April 22, 2016

UPDATE: More Raging Flaggotry

DFGHulk just now told me that another video of his was flagged. Again, same person. This one was a special announcement video he made that showcased a clip from Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller that we were hoping to use. Guess who's in the clip? Darth Vigorous.

I can't even. I seriously just can't even. This will never end...

It's been eight months, eight fucking months of this person's antics (I'm absolutely certain it's Darth's mom). ENOUGH'S ENOUGH.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Update: DFGHulk Harrassed by Raging Flaggot

So, I have an urgent update. DFGHulk just called me and said he's now starting to get flagged by the same person who's been flagging me. Again, the video in question was extensively censored, even removing Darth's real last name. I know this because I was the one who edited it.

This is getting serious to me now. Nobody gets away with messing with my friends like this. Things just got even more personal.

As of now, the videos we were flagged for are still up. They might not be up for much longer, but we'll see.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Flagged Again! :D

Well, it looks like I got flagged again. It was just 1 video this time, though it doesn't aggravate me any less. It's my remake/repost of DOtOF S1E2: Puyallup Fair Adventures, where I had to re-edit the entire video from the ground up. For the remake, I spent extra time to make sure no sensitive info was included, even going so far as to censor Darth's real last name. Guess that's not enough now, is it?

Why do I even bother? -_-

I have no more energy within me to rant at this point. I'm just so sick and tired of dealing with this stupidity. I've dealt with it for 8 months now. I just can't even be bothered to rant about it anymore.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Hey, What's Up??

Just giving you guys a little heads up about what's happened so far this month. As of now, we're in the process of restarting progress on Last Action Sci-Fi Thriller, and I'm currently in the process of reposting the 7 falsely flagged videos. So far, I've been able to restore 5 deleted videos (spanning 4 videos, because one of them worked better as one video rather than two). These are:
  • A Bowling Montage (posted as "Bowling with Friends")
  • Cooper Gets Pranked! (posted as "Sleepover Prank")
  • DOtOF S4E2: Discussing Age of Ultron
  • The Transcenders
As of now, the remaining videos yet to be reposted are:
  • DOtOF S2E2: Clips from the Transcenders
  • DOtOF S1E2: Puyallup Fair Adventures!
So yeah, that's basically all that's happened this month. That, and I'm currently planning on getting a job very soon. Not sure what it'll be at this point, but it'll happen!

Just another note here...expect Guptill89 to make a brief cameo in a future video. I won't say anything else about it until it happens, so until then, anticipate that.

Also, let's wish Hobbes (youngbloodfantasy91) a belated 24th birthday! (better late than never, or better on time than late...)

That's about it for today, folks. Stay tuned, and take care. :)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Where Did Those Videos Go!?

Some of you may have noticed that 7 of my videos have been removed for "inappropriate content." Well, the reason why is because they were flagged for "violation of privacy" and removed by YouTube overnight. I've received emails through my Gmail account to confirm this is the case.

As mentioned before, 7 videos have been flagged down. The affected videos are:
  • DOtOF S4E2: Discussing Age of Ultron
  • A Bowling Montage
  • Cooper Gets Pranked!
  • Cooper Gets Pranked! (aftermath)
  • DOtOF S2E4: Clips from the Transcenders
  • The Transcenders
  • DOtOF S1E2: Puyallup Fair Adventures!
It seems I can't show Darth on my channel anymore, even if we're just hanging out, having fun, or talking about movies. The person who flagged me wasn't disclosed to me, but I have a pretty strong feeling who it was, given the person's previous antics against me and my friends.

I won't let this deter me from making videos, though. Sure, I may be less active on here, but I'll still try to bring more videos to you guys.

Best regards,
~ SpaceGuru5