Welcoming Words

Hey guys. SpaceGuru5 here, bringing you my official blog. Est. 31 Aug 2012.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014! (Plus some random stuff about my current viewership)

Holy shit. Is it 2014 now? Great, I guess now I have to post a happy message here on every single national holiday celebrated in the USA.

Well, it's 2014. SpaceGuru5 has almost existed for 5 years now.

What the hell happened to those 5 years!?

I became SpaceGuru5 literally 9 days after I turned 12. At first, it was a very secretive channel—it came into existence entirely due to my sister setting up the channel for me. She set my age back then to 14 years old, which is why I can now view 18+ videos even though I'm only 16—though, as you can probably tell, it's become quite public over the last 5 years. Sure, I have 255,691 views on all of my videos now, but keep in mind I have 157 videos.

255,691 views / 157 videos = 1,628.605096 views / video ~ 1,629 views / video

If I got 1,629 views on my videos, though, I think I'd shit myself, because the average number of views I get nowadays is nowhere near that number. Maybe it was possible back in 2011, when I was hugely popular, but now I have a tough time getting videos to reach 500 views, let alone 1,629.

Wanna know how many views I have for my 2013 videos? As of 1:58 PM on January 1, 2014, that number is 1,995 views. Yeah, 1,995 views over the span of 365 days and 19 videos. Seems like a lot, right? Well, let's do the math:

1,995 views / 365 days = 5.465753425 views / day ~ 5 views / day

1,995 views / 19 videos = 105 views / video

Pretty small numbers, right? Now, let's look at videos I made in 2011. As of 2:01 PM on January 1, 2014, I have 15,093. Let's do the math here:

15,093 views / 365 days = 41.35068493 views / day ~ 41 views / day

15,093 views / 43 videos = 351 views / video

So, over 3 years,...

2011                                   2014
41 views / day                    5 views / day                         100% – 12.19512195% = 87.80487805%
351 views / video               105 views / video                  100% – 29.9145299% = 70.0854701%

Basically, I've lost 78.94517408%, or about 79%, of my audience from 2011, which means that, if I had 100 viewers in 2011, I only have about 21 of those same viewers now.

So, to the 21% of you that are still watching my content from 2011, thank you for your patience. I appreciate your kindness that you have reserved for some weird old curmudgeon like me.

To the 79% of you that have stopped watching my content since 2011, was I just not good enough for you? What the hell were you expecting from a lower-middle class teenage Mexican American high school student? Obviously, you can't expect great work from someone like me.

Anyway, Happy 2014, and take care. :)

P.S. Don't even bother making a resolution, because you'll end up going back to apathy within a week anyway.

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